Sunday, August 1, 2010

ThE sUm Of JuLy

Hello August! I can’t believe you are here already and July has gone. The following are some of my favorite moments I captured…

For those extremely hot days I enjoyed a stop in one of our neighborhood coffee shops Prospect Perk Café for some ice coffee. Who needs Starbucks when there are many other better choices out there!

Enjoying good company and delicious meals at

Getting those greens a most creative way. Try this.. Strawberries, Banana, Fresh Spinach, Flax Seed, and some ice in a blender. I know doesn't sound that appetizing but surprisingly I found it to be refreshing and tasty!

The signs one finds in the city are enough to entertain anyone for a lifetime...

So now if I see a stray cat am I suppose to call out "Fatty" and see if it responds??

Next on the list babysitting for families that own amazing kitchen appliances. One Americano coming up!

If you have not heard of than you must check it out! I bought a handmade apron that I love off of The seller is a friend of mine who was making them to raise money for a trip to Africa which she just left for. I love my apron!

I found lots of inspiration to cook this July not only because of my new apron but because a friend of mine brought me over some delicious home grown tomatoes. I love the idea of Urban Gardening.

I love walking through Brooklyn. Some days I walk and walk and walk until I can't walk anymore.

Last but not least...A horrible picture of me but I had to show you guys Bradley's bath time face. This is the face he gives me when he suddenly realizes that he is about to get a bath. It is hard to resist!