Saturday, April 24, 2010


Bradley sure is a lot of work but the laughs he brings me are worth it!

Ten Dollars Richer!

First off I want to share this sign with you because every time I go to do laundry and I am sitting there staring at the walls as my clothes wash this is one of the few things there to look at.

I think it speaks for itself…

While checking my pants pocket I found this $10 bill which really was a fun surprise. It is comical that when we find money that we forgot about it feels as though it is free money when it was our hard earned money in the first place. All the same finding money is always fun!

But apparently I was so excited about the $10 that I didn’t check other pockets thoroughly because once the washer started a Metrocard stuck to the window as if it was crying out for help. Thankfully it was an expired card so there was no damage done. :)

Splendid Blender

Now that the weather has been warmer up I thought a blender would be a good purchase. I love smoothies in the summer! So I went to target and just so happens they had this lovely blender on sale for $16. It is a wonderful thing when the thing you exactly need happens to be a sale item!

Went to the grocery store after Target and purchased some bananas and decided to try some of this Almond milk which I had never seen before...

I also a little bit of peanut butter and flaxseed...

The finished product was delicious! I can tell already it is going to be a smoothie kind of summer!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Brooklyn Botanical Gardens

This past Saturday I took a walk through the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. It was so beautiful that I wanted to share some pictures…


Well although most of the time, I am thankful to be free of the responsibilities that come along with being a car owner….the weekends are sometimes a different story. Every weekend there are not only schedule and route changes to the train but they also run a lot slower.

They post the schedule changes on flyers every where and completely confuse the poor tourist…

But one thing I was thankful to discover the other day is that they put in a electronic notification at the Brooklyn Museum stop so now I can see how many minutes it is until the next train comes..

I’m counting this a blessing!