Monday, November 29, 2010


It has been a busy but wonderful month. My parents came to visit!!! Yes that was the highlight for me. We had such a wonderful time together. I loved showing them around the city and Bradley certainly loved the attention he received as well! We were both really sad when it was time for them to go.

I started ordering my groceries online from Fresh Direct. I know sounds strange but so far I have been making healthier choices so I am loving it!

This month I have discovered such a practical easy way to show the kids at work I care and that is…..baking cookies!!! They love them and I like to think they make them feel loved! As I offer them out I always make sure to announce that they are baked with love!

I like to think in Bradley’s eyes I am a fun owner but there are those days when I am sure he thinks otherwise. Found this elf costume on sale at Target for $2.50!! Who can resist that deal??

I wish I could get a good picture of my neighbors building. They go crazy with decorations every year and it makes me smile!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Walk to Brooklyn

Sometimes I get these crazy ideas. They usually are a result of a thought process that goes a little something like this…..

I need to exercise more.
I like walking.
I should walk more.
I wonder how far it is from work to my apartment.
I’m going to look that up.
It’s only 7.33 miles!
I think I can walk that far.
I’m going to walk home from work today!!

So this past Saturday I decided to walk home from work. I think it should have taken me about 2 ½ hours but it took closer to 3 because I took pictures and took my time.