Saturday, April 30, 2011

4/29/11 - 4/30/11

( 42/93) 4/29/11 Museum of Modern Art

Had a relaxing time at the MOMA today. They have free admission Friday evenings after 4pm.

( 43/93) 4/30/11 Grand Army Plaza Farmer's Market

Got up this morning and enjoyed the Farmer's Market followed by a walk through Prospect Park.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

4/22/11 - 4/28/11

(35/93) Vivaldi 4/22/11
Listening to some Vivaldi, maybe it’s the change of season.

(36/93) 4/23/11
Today I have been thinking a lot about my attitude and how much of a difference a positive attitude makes.

(37/93) 4/24/11 Easter
Had a beautiful Easter which consisted of church in the morning, delicious brunch at Miriam’s, and in the afternoon I took Bradley for a walk and we ended up sitting in front of the Brooklyn Museum watching the water fountain.

(38/93) 4/25/11 7th Ave, Brooklyn
We had beautiful weather today. I sat on a bench along 7th Avenue and just watched the people walk by.

(39/93) 4/26/11 Laundromat, Franklin Ave
Today was laundry day. It is funny to think of all the years I took for granted having a washer and dryer. If you are reading this and have a washer and dryer at home you should be thankful. Believe me when I say there is nothing fun about dragging your clothes in a cart down the street.

(40/93) 4/27/11 The Dakota
Today I spent 5 glorious hours sitting in Central Park enjoying the sunshine. I like to use the entrance near 72nd street just so I can walk past the Dakota. It is one of my favorite buildings in NY.

(41/93) 4/28/11 Summer Shoes
I bought my first sandels for the summer. They are so comfortable I’m in love.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Summer Shoes


Today I am dreaming of summer shoes and pedicures!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

(33/93) Starbucks on 42nd St

Every day when I pass this Starbucks on my way to work I am reminded of my first visit to New York and how I was so excited to be here that I woke up about 5:30 am and came in sat in this Starbucks. I sat at the window drinking coffee and dreaming about what it would be like to live here. I easily forget that I got so much of what I dreamt of. Remembering what I felt then helps me be content now.

We’re flawed because we want so much more. We’re ruined because we get these things and wish for what we had. –Don Draper

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

(32/93) West 40th Street and 9th Ave, NY

I love trees especially when they start to make their Spring debut!

Monday, April 18, 2011

4/15/11 - 4/18/11

(28/93) Mountian View 4/15/11 Thought a lot about perspective today and the desire I have not to be pessimistic. Read this interesting quote today, “The same world that hurts you if you touch a stove wrong or fall off a cliff, let’s you use the hot burner to cook bacon and climb a mountain to enjoy the view.” I want to look for the best in everything; yes I want to get better at that. A beautiful example of a positive thinker in my life is my niece Lyndsey. It happens to be her Birthday today 4/15, which is probably why I am thinking so much about being hopeful. She radiates hope and is always pushing me to continue to hope and have faith even in the unseen. Happy Birthday to my beautiful niece. (29/93) A sister is a forever friend. ~Author Unknown I love my sister Jean and today 4/16/11 is her birthday. My sister reminds me of many things like keeping a tender heart, being compassionate, and meeting people where they are at in life. She has always been a great encouragement and support to me and I can’t imagine life with out her. (30/93) Mayday Hardware & Supply Co, Brooklyn 4/17/11 Such a beautiful sunny day today. I took a trip down to my local hardware store and felt so inspired by the plants. I would like to have an herb garden. (31/93) 4/18/11 I was looking at this picture today and remembering the first time I blew on a dandelion. I was standing in the yard on Lake Shore Drive and I thought it was magical. I loved that special time I had there with my great grandmother Bobby. It was such a short season of my life and yet it left such a profound effect on me. I still miss her every day and wish I could have shared more of my life with her.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

4/13/11 - 4/14/11

(26/93) NYC Trash For Sale

I came across this interesting article yesterday and found it interesting. Just when I think I have seen it all something else comes along.

(27/93) Day in Pictures

I really enjoy reading I retrieved this picture today from their Day in Pictures section in which they show pictures from the day around the world. This one is of a woman is doused in water by men as part of traditional Easter celebrations in north-east Hungary. “Watering of the Girls” is a tribal fertility ritual rooted in the area’s pre-Christian past and is thought to date back to the 2nd century AD.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


(22/93) 4/10/11

I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden. ~Ruth Stout

(23/93) 4/11/11 by Carrie Goodson

(24/93) 4/12/11

This is such a simple thing but Google really makes me smile when they surprise me with something different.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

(21/93) Work Office

Here I am enjoying this sunny day from my work office. I am laughing to myself as I reflect on a conversation I had with a UPS driver the other day. It was raining and I was making light conversation saying it must not be fun to have to work in the rain. He said he felt sorrier for me having to be inside all day. Today I am thinking he kinda had a point.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Building on Bond, Sunrise

Last night I enjoyed dinner at Building on Bond. I love love loved it! A very cozy ambiance along with live music and tasty food. Building on Bond, Brooklyn, NY taken from (20/93) Sunrise on Lincoln Place, Brooklyn

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meet Scarlett Elizabeth. She is my dear friend Aubrey’s little girl and proud to say my name sake. I’m sad to not be there to see her grow but I am thankful for pictures like this one. Isn’t she SO cute!?! (17/93) Scarlett Elizabeth 4/5/11

I just got done telling one of my co-workers that I never get sick. Than sure enough yesterday I woke up feeling completely blah!

(18/93) Jinxed 4/6/11

This one really made me laugh this morning. I was going to hang it up in the office but didn't think that would go over well with management.

(19/93) Dilbert

Monday, April 4, 2011


(16/93) Daytona Beach, FL 1/2011

Thinking of childhood friendships today and feeling grateful for those that have lasted.

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart. ~Elisabeth Foley

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Brooklyn Museum

(15/93) Brooklyn Museum

This was taken on my way to work tonight. I never tire of this view. I like to think there is something mysterious about it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


(14/93) Taken from

When it comes to change I can find inspiration. When it comes to change I can walk along the road, get supplies, and begin the journey. But when it comes to change at some point I reach this gigantic brick wall along my path. It blocks the way. Or is it just my perception? Honestly I just usually give up at that point and turn around to go back to me, the me I didn’t want to be. Today I am thinking about what it is within me that blocks me from change.

Friday, April 1, 2011

(11/93) 3/30/11 443 Lincoln Place Just finished another book. It wasn't the happiest story but worth the read and thought provoking. It was a daughter whom found all her mother's journals and wrote about her life from what she learned reading her mother's words. My favorite section of in the book was this...."I am not going to lower my sights. I am going to live up to the best in myself. Even if it means some painful changes. I am no longer afraid. " (12/93) 3/31/11 All we have been getting the last two days is rain, rain, rain.... (13/93) 4/1/11 Rainy Day, Covenant House Courtyard