Friday, March 26, 2010

Small Changes

I was amazed to find change in the landscape while I was only away for a week. Today Bradley and I went to the park and we noticed the color starting to show…

I really noticed today that Bradley is a city dog when he had all of this available…

Yet he ran over to this trash can to relieve himself…

The change is small but I am thrilled and enjoying every color and every moment of sunshine…

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Florida :)

Returned this past Monday from my trip to Florida. I don’t even want to begin to speak of my traveling adventures there and back which consisted of cancellations, delay after delay and an extremely annoying group of teenagers on their way to Disney World. I was blessed to have the time to visit family, eat lots of good home cooked food which included steak, and be apart of my dear friend Jenn’s wedding. The following are some pictures that capture some of my favorite moments in my trip.

I brought Bradley back a bed from Florida that I found for $6 at CVS. He loves it!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another Man's Treasure

New York City offers some top-notch trash. Practically anybody who has lived there has noticed, or even taken home, a perfectly good end table or a bookshelf that has been left on the sidewalk next to bags of garbage by someone who didn’t want it anymore. Even city dwellers who don’t partake know about this informal circulation of goods as a feature of urban object culture played out in the public sphere.
-Rob Walker

This odd circulation of goods, is a fun part of the culture here in the city. Everyone I know has things in their apartment that they got off the side walk, not only just furniture but clothes, purses, and books. Today I got this nice little table as a wonderful find. Sometimes it really feels like God left it there for you, especially when it fits your need so perfectly.

Bradley inspected it, to let me know everything was good. :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring in the Air

Today the sun was out and temperatures where high and there was such joy in the air….I thought I was the only one who has missed the sun but apparently the rest of Brooklyn has missed it to….

"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."
-- Anne Bradstreet

"I stuck my head out the window this morning and spring kissed me bang in the face. "
-- Langston Hughes

"The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. "
-- Harriet Ann Jacobs

Not only was the sun enough to make for a beautiful day but my roommate Krista gave me a new wallet which I love…

Tonight I made a collage of beautiful memories, that was fun…

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Work has been wonderful and I am so thankful to have a job that I enjoy so much. Yesterday they held a graduation for the kids that completed the CNA training program. It was a joy to be apart of it and be able to show them how proud I am of their perseverance that in the midst of all their struggles and personal pain they continued to get up and go to class and study.

Friday evening we invited some friends over for dinner. I really do enjoy cooking but find I don’t do it enough. For dinner I made spinach dip, stuffed shells, with salad, and garlic bread. My roommate made bread pudding for dessert. I really had the intention to take more pictures of the evening but became side tracked…

This is pretty much what Bradley looked like for the evening, a little disappointed that none of the good food was for him…

I have been looking for awhile for some new decorations, maybe it’s just me but decorating is not an easy task. Takes a lot of patience. Found this picture today at Target, kind of hard to see because of the glare, but you can get the feel of it…

Monday, March 1, 2010

Grover :)

Today was a wonderful day in which I met my dear friend Claire’s baby son Grover…

He was just adorable and it was so fun to spend time playing with him and getting to know him. It was Bradley’s first time seeing a baby. He was fascinated…

There is something powerfully refreshing about being around new life. Thank God for babies and the joy they bring into a room…