Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dog For Sale

Dog For Sale!! Just kidding....sort of :)

Once again...Bradley is guilty as charged!

The last few days I have been looking all over the place for my lipstick. This evening I found it under my bed in this sad state. If only there was a job opening for a cute furry dog with an amazing ability to destroy things...Bradley could be making the big bucks.

When I looked up advise on how to get your dog to stop chewing so much it suggested that sometimes it is a lack of exercise. So to keep myself from going crazy I am trying to take him on longer walks.

He likes to sit on my foot when we are waiting to cross the road. I think the NY traffic scares him.

The following are a few shots from our walk...

Tonight I noticed they painted this sign on the corner. It doesn't say much for us that someone thinks we need to be reminded to "look". I thought anyone who could read would already have that concept down.

Dogs have an amazing ability to sense just when you are about to strangle them because that is just when they decide to give a I'm sorry and cute face.

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