Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jet Plane

For about a year now there has been this plain white wall surrounding an area in my neighborhood. I kept thinking that there was some construction going on there but honestly now that I think about it I never see anyone working there. Well I had a lovely surprise the other day when I came out of the train station all sorts of different people from my neighborhood were painting the wall!! I love it now and now every time I come out of the Franklin subway station I smile.

All day yesterday at work I was singing… "I’m leaving on a jet plane!" I am pretty sure I am driving my co-workers crazy as I feel the impulse to constantly remind them I’m going to England for a week. This summer I played tour guide to some lovely Brits that I met through my friend Darren. In turn they said I must come over and I am looking forward to seeing them all again. I like to think I am doing my part to keep our alliance with the UK strong. :)

I have also been day dreaming about this lovely restaurant...

I first went there back in what must have been 2003 and I am always forgetting the name but never forgetting my favorite dish...

Crispy Aromatic Szechvan Duck served with Spring Onion, Cucumber, Pancakes, and hoi Sin Sauce. Every time I return it is a must for me. It is probably my favorite restaurant I have ever been to in my 31 years of life. I know sounds dramatic but there is just something that special about it.

I am also looking forward to seeing these familiar streets in Tunbridge Wells...

Packing for me last night was quiet an ordeal...

But in the end I made it work...

I am counting my blessings today because I always seem to be given much more than I deserve.

I will be returning the 30th and promise to post lots of pics. :)

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