Monday, September 13, 2010

Recent Reads

There are two things that I really love about using public transportation:

1.) It is so affordable! I only pay $89 a month total for my transportation cost.
2.) Not having to pay attention to the road provides so much time for reading!

I have been going through so many books lately that I started to realize I was spending as much purchasing books to read as I was for my transportation. So to remedy that I have been borrowing books from others or some people leave boxes of books on their stoop when they don’t want them anymore. I also enjoy used book stores.

The three most recent reads have been…


What made this book interesting for me was that it was written by ten different authors. Each chapter was written by someone else which gave it a different feel than any other book I have read. It was an easy read but still thought it was a fun story. The proceeds for the book benefit Amnesty International.

Good Grief by Lolly Winston

I picked this book up from a free book drive. The title caught my interest because I find grief to be an interesting topic. At one point or another every person experiences grief in their live yet the majority of the time we don’t even recognize it. This novel is about a young widow and how she works through her grief. I found the beginning half of the book to be informative in the way it described her denial, depression, anger, regret but on the other hand the second half of the book was predictable. It was a nice story just predictable in the end and felt a little like the author was in a rush and uninspired.

The Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank

This book was another freebie. I usually love books that make the New York Bestseller list but this one was just so so. It was a tale about a girl growing up and learning about life and herself. I found it a little hard to follow at times just because it jumped from different stages of her life leaving gapes. I imagine maybe for someone who lived a life more similar to hers might find the story more profound.

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

I just started this book yesterday and am loving it. I LOVE memoirs and this one is a memoir of a recovering drug addict. I am only on page 47 so I will have to keep you posted but so far so good!

Remember when I went on before about my great finds on the sidewalks of Brooklyn? Well the little lamp pictured above is my most recent find!

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