Monday, June 21, 2010

Thirty One

Well today I celebrated my 31st Birthday. Actually the celebrating for me started the night before with a lovely evening walk and a stop at the ice cream truck. Another great thing about summer in Brooklyn is finding ice cream trucks at just about any hour.....

Originally I was scheduled to work the evening shift but decided that sounded like a pretty depressing way to spend a birthday so I requested the day off. I slept in than awoke to find so much love from family and friends through snail mail, phone calls and e-mails! My life is so rich with love!

For lunch I went to my favorite deli at the corner and ordered a turkey sandwich...

Bradley's unhappy face as I was unwilling to share...

I’m starting to see a theme here. I didn’t realize how much of my day was about food. :)

When my wonderful roommates and friends arrived home, we went out to one of our favorite Mexican restaurants a few blocks away. The food was delicious and the sangria not too bad either ;)

We arrived back home for some amazing mini cupcakes..really words can't describe!

I received some beautiful sunflowers from my roommate Emily. This picture doesn't do them justice. They really brightened up the room and my day!

What can I say about life now at 31? Even now I am always learning new lessons about life and keep hoping with each new lesson that it will be the last for a time. I keep thinking how can I be tempted to look at others as if their life is better than mine? It is only an illusion. I think we are all searching, we are all in want, we are all in need, we are all students with one teacher. So tonight I am thankful for the journey even the pains that come with growth because it is what makes life beautiful to me.

The following is a montage of me trying to take a decent picture with Bradley. Believe me it isn't easy...


  1. FloridafanofSummerJune 24, 2010 at 8:15 PM

    What great pictures. It makes me want to move to Brooklyn. Happy birthday from your Dad
