Saturday, February 13, 2010

Buffalo Wild Wings

Well one thing I know for sure if I ever end up moving from New York, among the list of things I will miss, most definitely the food will be at the top. Every corner you turn there is something new to try from chain to mom and pop restaurants and a million in between. I had this false perception that when I moved here I would lose all this weight because I would be walking every where, I just forgot to calculate all the amazing food that would be tempting me every where I turned. Today I bought a salad with chicken covered in a garlic sauce from Buffalo Wild Wings. It was AMAZING!

I also went to target and bought a variety of containers to organize, and went through all my clothes to get rid of the things I no longer need. Why is that so difficult? You know when you have a shirt you haven’t worn in a year and then you can sit there and so easily justify why you should really allow it to continue to clutter your life. I am proud of myself though, for the most part I stuck to the purpose. Bradley wasn’t much of a help though. Every time I turned my back he would jump in one of the containers. I am pretty sure he knew what he was doing, just having fun giving me a hard time….

1 comment:

  1. A food critic in New York would be a great job. Your comments make me want to move there.
