Saturday, February 27, 2010

Goodbye February

All week I have been daydreaming about my near in the future trip to Florida. It’s funny I even saw a vacation ad on the train and it said….get in touch with your Florida side. We have had a brutal week as far as weather goes and that has trickled down into a lot of work. It was the first time I have been offered overtime at my job because so many people called out due to weather conditions. Yesterday I worked a 16 hour shift, thankfully the residents at my job were very well behaved, I think they were having compassion on me because I had been there so much this week.

Here are a few photos from the week…

And when you’re the first one out of the building in the morning this is what you find…

It has made me appreciate that we don’t have to be pioneers for the most part in life, it’s really nice when someone goes before us…

When the sun finally shined some, I took Bradley out. I tried sitting out on our stoop but as you can see from the picture all he was interested in was going back inside. I stared out at the street and he stared intently at our door…

And this is his can you please take me inside already face…


  1. Well I hope it gets warmer for you by the time you come because it had been NASTY!! cold..rainy...wet!!!!!! yuck! love and miss u!
