Sunday, January 31, 2010

Deli Cat

We are having a chilly day here in Brooklyn but not bad as the sun has been shining. On my way home from church I stopped at the deli for a little snack. There is absolutely no effort put into keeping up the cleanliness of the outside and sometimes the inside but I guess it all adds to the character.

The majority of these stores have a cat which resides there, I guess to keep the mice away. It is funny the way they lay around the store like it’s their house. Today this one was sleeping on the newspapers that are suppose to be for sale. I find it very humorous that every one goes about their business as if there is nothing odd about it. When I snapped this picture below someone asked me…what are you taking a picture of? :) Well umm that cat that is sleeping on the newspaper I‘d like to buy!

There are always cheap tasty snacks to try, today I got some Utz Cheese Balls for a grand total of 25 cents. It doesn’t get much better than that.

I realized when I was taking the picture, Bradley was there admiring them as well. Sorry Bradley :(

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Laundry..Laundry.. Oh Laundry

I have always loved the roughness and brash honesty of many New Yorkers often perceived as rudeness. I realize those characteristics are odd to find endearing but I do and I can only reason that the endearment I feel must come from above. As you live here you come to realize that so much of their attitude comes from the tremendous about of energy, endurance, and strength it takes to survive in the city. After living here for two years now I can not believe that some people have lived this city life for decades the entirety of their live and for those who grew up in poverty, parenting their own siblings at a young age…you begin to have more sympathy and understanding for their harshness. Everything is a struggle, a walk, nothing comes easy and laundry is just one small taste of it. Laundry is something you can bond with anyone over kind of like the weather. Sorting it...getting in into bags…loading up the cart…and walking to the Laundromat two blocks away and praying there is a empty washing machine.

Yes today was that dreaded laundry day for me, the only day in which I am thankful I haven‘t fallen in love yet because I couldn‘t bare to carry any more laundry…

It's better to have loved and lost than to have to do forty pounds of laundry a week. Dr Laurence

It is a funny thing that people can relate to each other and the forever procrastination of needing to do laundry but putting it off as long as possible and even getting to the point where you would rather buy a new shirt. It’s just a funny part of living in the city. Whoever knew I would dream of one day having my very own washing machine…it’s a big dream but a possible one.

Here is a funny quote to leave you with….

I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is why I don't have any clean laundry, because, come on, who wants to wash clothes on the last day of their life?

Rights of Passage Graduation

I am currently working at Covenant House, as a Resident Advisor in their Rights of Passage Program. It is a long-term transitional living program. The young adults ranging from 18 to 21 years old stay for 12 to 18 months and during their stay they participate in educational and vocational programs, learn independent living skills, receive counseling services, and develop a plan for permanent housing. Once a year they have a graduation for those who have successfully completed the program. This was my first time being involved in this event.

There is little thanks in the job I do mostly because they just don’t always know how to say thank you but this evening was truly a blessing in which I was able to celebrate with them, which for many was the first time they had graduated from anything in their live. I feel full of love for these young people, I also felt proud of each of them, like the kind of pride a mother must feel for her own children. I have learned from them and been challenged by the their incredible stories of survival, that after everything they have endured they still can find a reason to laugh and a way to love. I only wish I could be as strong as they are.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


My apologizes that the next three days my post will most likely not be that entertaining. I have four days of ten hour shifts at work and when you add commute time to that, it leaves little time for anything else apart from eating and sleeping. A couple things I am looking forward to getting to soon is the guided tour at The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine and the Museum of Modern Art.

Today I tried something of the DDSmart menu at Dunkin Donuts. It’s nice that they have offered this menu to the public but after drinking my iced late lite, today think maybe it’s best they stick to what they do best, the unhealthy pleasures of the dunkin donut world.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ken Burns' America: Brooklyn Bridge

I was so thankful to have yesterday off because all it did was rain, it was perfect for staying in doors. I decided to do some work in my room, cleaning and seeing what I can get rid of. It is amazing how quickly possession accumulate. When I moved here I only had in total three bags, two big and one small. I can’t figure out what happened that I am now spending my day off going threw so much more.

I was on the productive route until....

I sat on the floor to sort threw some things and Bradley fell asleep on my leg. It was a good excuse to take a break, a break that ended in never really getting started again.

I then decided to watch a documentary I have been looking forward to watching, Ken Burns' America: Brooklyn Bridge(1981). It is really two things I love in one, Ken Burns and the Brooklyn Bridge.

If you get a chance you should check it out!

It really got me reminiscing about the fun times that I have been able to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and how thankful I am for these adventures and experiences.

Today I am feeling very blessed.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Tom’s Restaurant

Took a nice walk through Park Slope today, my favorite area of Brooklyn.

On my way back home I decided to stop at one of my favorite restaurants Tom’s. It is such a family atmosphere and the people that work there are so kind. They have a style of keeping the guest comfortable while they wait so they hand out samples of food while you are waiting in line.

I tried something off their lunch menu today for the first time. I ordered a BLT on wheat made with turkey bacon. They gave me some wonderful hot chocolate while I waited, completely free. Even though my food came out quickly they urged me to stay and enjoy my hot chocolate., such kind people.

When I arrived back home I was surprised to find that they had packed a lollipop in with my sandwich. :)

Bradley Goes Skating

My friend Darren took Bradley for a skate around the park. I don’t even think much words are needed for this one, not sure how Bradley felt about it but I definitely got a kick out of it!

Click on the link bellow to see the video.

Friday, January 22, 2010

You Scream, I Scream....

We all scream for ice cream, even if it’s Weight Watchers. Picked these chocolate fudge sundae cones today at the grocery store. I must say they were pretty tasty and just enough to satisfy that craving for something sweet.

Below is just a quick picture I snapped on my walk to the train this morning. They post these flyers up when ever there will be a filming taking place. Basically warning everyone they can not park along the street during those hours. I see them quite a lot around Brooklyn. Just one more reason I am glad to not have a car here.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Roosevelt Island

Well today was my second attempt to walk around the whole of the perimeter of Roosevelt Island, which sets between Manhattan and Queens. I made it there and for a partial walk but found with the sun going down it became too cold to continue. It was so nice to be near the water and enjoy the beautiful view, despite the cold. I did get a few nice pictures so you can get a feel for the view.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Let me start off by telling you that as I write this post, someone in front of my building is singing…I promise to be true, at the top of his lungs, over and over and over. Some how I get the feeling he hasn’t been so true or he probably wouldn’t be out their having to sing that ridiculous song anyway. Oh the joys of having bedroom windows that face the street!

My original plan for today was to walk the perimeter of Roosevelt Island, something I should have done a long time ago. But being that the trains were running slow, I changed plans. I went to Walgreens located at One Time Square, the heart of Time Square.

I personally never came in here just because I assumed it would be overpriced like everything else located in Time Square, but I was surprisingly wrong.

There were quite a few good deals such as fleece blankets, two for $7 and sweat pants two for $10 and some souvenirs at a reasonable price.

I never seem to get bored of Time Square, there is something nostalgic about it, always brings back my fond memories of the first time I stepped out of the 42nd Street train station.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

A few weeks ago I had signed up for a free tour at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which took place today.

I got off at Wall Street, and it was a nice change of scenery.

Pictures could not be taken inside, but I had a great time, and learned so much along the way. They had a coin exhibit, and the tour ended in the gold vault, 80 feet below the street level where over 240 billion dollars in gold is kept.

For souvenirs they gave us some shredded money. I think it was a kind but somewhat humorous gesture.

I never realized before what a beautiful area of Manhattan this is, being that it is the financial district and mostly banks and businesses, I have never spent much time there. I would like to go back and explore a little more, especially this beautiful church building I walked by.

The great thing about trying all these new places, is I can know where to take my family and friends when they visit. So if you find yourself visiting me, The Federal Reserve Bank, will definitely be on your itinerary. It is a must see!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Different Route Home

To get a little extra exercise today, instead of taking the train from 42nd Street, I decided to walk down to 7th Ave and 34th Street. It was a nice little walk and change of routine.

Always interesting characters…some how that bag and coat just don’t go together….

The train arrived just as I got to the platform. I love it when that happens!!

I am really enjoying the book I started a couple days ago, Life at the Dakota. Today I read a lot of history about Isaac Singer, the man to have a patent on the first practical sewing machine. Ladies he was not a very nice man, bad morals definitely, womanizer! It’s funny they don’t mention that in the history section of the Singer Company website. :)