Thursday, January 7, 2010


Recently I was having a conversation in which a woman was telling me about a relative that had just passed away and their wish was that their ashes be thrown off the Brooklyn Bridge. She explained that the rest of her family didn’t want any part of it being that they thought it was illegal and so she was left with this task, like some secret operation. Good thing she seemed to have a sense of humor about it. She shared with me about how she herself had bought a plot at the Green-wood Cemetery in Brooklyn, she said she always thought it beautiful there and suggested that I visit there someday to see it.

I had the day off today and decided to check it out.

This cemetery was founded in 1838.

It was very peaceful and beautiful, but being that it is 478 acres I couldn’t see it all. I would love to go back for the tour they have on Wednesdays.

I read that it is a Revolutionary War historic site, the Battle of Brooklyn was fought in 1776 across what is now it’s grounds.

I wonder how they would feel about this stop sign positioned right here....

The more modern above ground burial section was beautiful, especially because the water was frozen.

I had a very nice time. I am not sure if anyone reading this can relate, but there is just something I have always loved about cemeteries. They are a great place to reflect on life, I always imagine that if everyone buried there could come back and give me one piece of advice about life, they would most likely all have something very interesting to say. Most of all it makes me thankful that I do not have to fear death.

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