Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mt. Prospect Park

I have been wanting for sometime to take Bradley to Prospect Park to walk, now that he has become braver, but it hasn’t been possible since it gets dark so quickly in the winter. But being that I worked a morning shift today, I rushed home, so that we would have some day light left for a nice walk.


Along the way we passed the beautiful Brooklyn Museum...

And the entrance is right next to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens...

The section that we went to is were you can find a lot of dog owners walking their dogs and a nice big field were the dogs can run around off the leash.

Bradley is just getting use to taking walks so he isn’t trustworthy enough to be let off the leash but he loves watching the other dogs.

It was good exercise for both of us, so I definitely plan on making a point to take advantage of this beautiful park, it is just too close not to!

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